Monday, October 28, 2019 - 7:00am
The crews will pick up loose leaves on the tree lawn beginning October 28, 2019. Crews will only collect leaves which have been placed on the tree lawn or yard areas. Crews will only accept leaves during this collection. Lawn waste and tree limbs will NOT be accepted. Residents are also asked to remove leaves and debris from catch basins and gutters to prevent damage caused by blocked storm water inlets. Anyone with questions concerning this matter may contact the Village offices at (330) 674-1886.
Monday Northwestern quadrant bounded by North Clay Street, Wooster Road and West Jackson Street.
Tuesday Northeastern quadrant bounded by North Clay Street, Wooster Road and East Jackson Street.
Wednesday Southeastern quadrant bounded by East Jackson Street, South Clay Street, and South Washington Street
Thursday Southwestern quadrant bounded by West Jackson Street, South Clay Street and South Washington Street.
Friday Bagged leaves collection throughout town and areas missed due to inclement weather.
Inclement weather may reduce or cancel specific pick-up days; however, every attempt will be made to collect in the designated areas. Any areas missed the previous week will be collected within seven days.
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